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Jun 26, 2018

Blue Information Plate on Nissan Skyline GT-R

A while back I noticed a car we had, had a additional 3 digit code on the blue information plate on the firewall.  I asked Mark over at GT-R Registry if he knew more about the code.

Facebook post

"On a small percentage of R32 plates, there is an additional 3 digit number next to the Trim code. In the sample it is 203 and the model code is KBNR32RXFSLMAA which means standard (no rear wiper). However as you can see there is a rear wiper (not the best example as the wiper itself has been removed but you can see that there was a wiper there). The reason is because of the 3 digit number, called the personal code.
For series 1 cars, if the first digit is 2 it is audioless (no factory stereo), middle digit is always 0 and for third digit, 2 = fender mirrors (pictured), 3 = rear wiper (as per our example) and 4 = fender mirrors and rear wiper.
For series 2 and 3 cars, if the first digit is 2, it is audioless, second digit is always 0 and third digit could be 1 for electric mirrors or 2 for fender mirrors.
Because this data doesn't appear to be stored in Nissan FAST, it is not available on It also means that the number of cars without a rear wiper from factory cannot be accurately counted and therefor I have updated the Option code statistics page as well:…"

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