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Jun 11, 2019

What Wheels Should I put on my R32 Nissan Skyline GT-R?

Stock R32 GT-R wheels aren't bad on an AH3 red car

R34 GT-R Wheels on a KH2 R32 GT-R
White wheels KH2 Gunmetal Grey GT-R

KL0 Silver GT-R with Enkei Wheels

326 white with all gold BBS LM, red caps

KL0 Silver with gunmetal BBS, red caps
 You made it this far, and no TE37 yet?  Oh, they are coming. Don't worry about that.

326 white, with TE37

KH2 Black TE37
KH2 R32, I don't know what color these TE37 are
KH2 Gunmetal Grey R32 GT-R with Bronze TE37
BT2 - Championship Blue with Magnesium Volk Wheels
TV2 with Gold BBS LM
Black with BBS Wheels
Lots of 326 with lots of different wheels

Buy USA Legal R32 and R33 Skylines at! for Nissan Skyline GT-R and GT-R parts.

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