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Feb 16, 2012

Nismo 400R #34 For Sale

Nismo 400R's don't come up for sale very often.  There are not that many cars outside of Japan, but in this case, #34 is located in Finland, and for sale.

LP2 Midnight Purple Nismo 400R
The 400R was a unique edition of the R33 GT-R produced by Nismo. A 2.8 liter RB-X engine, body kit, and numerous other modifications set it apart from the run of the mill R33 GT-R's.
#34 of 44(?) cars produced
A car like this, there is probably even an interest in Japan.  The R33 is the least popular of the Nissan GT-R's, but it still has a strong following.


Mike M Images said...

I have the same key fob on my 98 altima haha

Anonymous said...


Sean Morris said...


Daniel said...

or ~$75,300 USD.

If I could, I would.

Unknown said...